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Studying the Bible Around the World bible exposition ezequiel serrato hermeneutics Oct 31, 2021

Life is like an adventure going to the wilderness. To survive, you need to prepare the essential tools such as a map, a compass, and a lamp so that you will never be lost or in danger. Just like a lamp that can light your path, the Bible is your guide through this dark world. However, it is not just...

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The Journey of a Lifetime bible exposition bible study hermeneutics mark haywood saving grace podcast Oct 24, 2021

Going on an adventure may seem so exciting for some, but it can also be terrifying for others. We can feel a wide range of emotions as the journey unfolds right before our eyes. Merriam-Webster defines a journey as something that suggests travel or passage from one place to another. Examples are “jo...

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Discipleship: Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone discipleship steve norris Oct 17, 2021

Reaching the lost has been Jesus’ great intention when He walked on earth. When He encountered Peter, He knew the thousands of people he would have ministered to. He also brought hope to the desperate adulterous woman who was discriminated against by many. He did not turn down the opportunity to hea...

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Jesus Christ, Our Eternal Security dave anderson devotional grace of god salvation Oct 12, 2021

When people think about security, these words come to mind: wealth, investments, financial stability, and achievements. But have you ever thought of the importance of eternal security? Let's face it. Most people don't pay attention or even think about it because they are focused on the cares of this...

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