The Genius of Jesus: Your Natural Ability to Multiply the Gospel
A free webinar with Prof. Ed Waken
Discover the wonder and freedom of God’s creativity in you to share the good news naturally, effectively, and successfully every time.
The early church experienced a rapid multiplication of believers as they became communicators of the gospel. The message of Jesus spread from His closest friends to religious leaders to other cultures and countries. The rapid spread of the gospel happened when common believers shared His truth in the context of where God had placed them. There were no formulas or methods taught to people. They fell in love with Jesus, and said whatever He whispered to them in the moment.
What if every opportunity to share a portion of the gospel is supernaturally created? What if each opportunity is customized by God for you to experience His ministry through you? What if every time you share the gospel, you are 100% successful? What if the only mistake you can make in sharing the gospel is to not share it? What if you do not have to know what to say or how to present the gospel, but simply say what God places in you during each conversation you have about Christ?
All of the above is possible and is taught in the Bible. It is time to ignite wildfires around the world as believers live their lives with a fearless sense of purpose to spread the gospel. Believers are to share the gospel and God is responsible to change hearts. This is a recipe for being 100% successful, 100% of the time.
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Meet Your Instructor

Ed Waken
Author, Mentor, Speaker
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Ministries
Grace School of Theology
Ed Waken is a lover of people. He is passionate to help people know Jesus, to equip believers to share the gospel naturally, and to disciple others to be like Jesus. He brings decades of experience of mentoring, consulting, developing content, and presenting information covering the topics of evangelism, discipleship, leadership, church planting, and organic church principles.
Ed is an adjunct professor at Grace School of Theology and Arizona Christian University. He has authored Wildfire - The Fearless Spread of the Gospel, and co-authored Primal Fire - Reigniting the Church with the Five Gifts of Jesus. He is currently working on a new book entitled, Igniting Wildfires which deals with the Biblical role of the Evangelist. Ed helps lead a network of organic churches.
Ed and Debbie live in Phoenix, Arizona and have three grown children and five grandchildren.