Who wants to be a
trusted spiritual leader?

Dear Christian,
Do you ever feel like you have a calling to lead a ministry, committee, or small group in your church?
Ever felt like there's a still, small voice inside you telling you that you should be of service?
You want to let others know about the love of Christ and His gift of salvation.
If you've been a Christian for some time now, I'm sure you feel the desire to do more for God. You might even constantly look for ways to grow in your spiritual journey and deepen your relationship with Christ.
Hands down, the best way to do that is to be a leader in your church.
Yes, I want to be a spiritual leader.Why Are There Only A Few Leaders?
Most Christians are afraid of leading because of two reasons: (1) they are inexperienced, and (2) they feel unequipped.
In my years of experience as a pastor, I’ve heard countless stories like this:
“I’m thinking about leading a Bible study but I've never led one before and it’s causing me a lot of anxiety. So basically the Bible study I was part of for a while is now defunct because there is no one to lead it as the previous leader had a baby and can no longer do it. My parents have offered our house as a meeting space if we could find someone to lead.
The other day my mom made an off-hand comment that I could lead it which I completely brushed off because I have no experience leading a Bible study and I feel like I'm too young. Plus I have a pretty bad case of anxiety that I feel would prevent me from leading something like that.
However, yesterday in the church it came to me that I think God is leading me to lead this Bible study. The thought of it terrifies me but if God is leading me to it, I feel like I have to do it. Any advice for me?”

Or if you’re like other Christians that I know, you might feel unqualified as a leader.
“I started leading Bible studies (BS) when I was a third-year student. I was then part of the Dormitories Christian Fellowship and I served as the Vice-Chairperson for Prayer and Missions during that academic year.
Before I started leading BS, I was hesitant because I don't think I am good enough for the task. I’m insecure because I know I still fail in certain areas of my spiritual life and I doubted my capacity to answer questions from the people in my BS group.
I believe that I am not the only one who struggles with these problems. I bet a lot of Christians out there also have these questions in mind and these are the major barriers that inhibit them from leading a Bible study.”
Here's the first thing you need to know about becoming a leader:
God doesn't call the qualified.
He qualifies the called.

I've been a pastor for more than 20 years now, serving in the church as well as in evangelistic and discipleship ministries. I hold an MA Degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Grace School of Theology.
Now, I'm not here to brag about my achievements in life. I know that it's only by the grace of God that I accomplished everything I have. Rather, I'm here to tell you about my mission and extend an invitation to you. You see, I am the Vice President of Community Development for Grace School of Theology. I'm also the Executive Director of Grace Center for Spiritual Development.
Our goal is to develop spiritual leaders in every nation who can teach others about the love of Christ, a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost. This means empowering Christians just like you to be spiritual leaders wherever God has placed you.
And this is why I'm writing this letter to you.
My team and I at Grace Center for Spiritual Development created a process that takes Christians from churchgoers to inspiring spiritual leaders.
The G.R.A.C.E. Growth Model
The GRACE Growth Model is the most focused process on transforming a Christian to be a spiritual leader.
Whether they know it or not, inspiring Christian leaders go through a series of stages that develops their knowledge and skills to lead. Sometimes it happens through a ton of trials and errors, sometimes through expensive education.
And on rare occasions, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, they meet a mentor that shows them the way.
We identified and simplified this process by removing all the unnecessary trials and errors. We focused only on what’s important for you to learn so you can be the leader others look up to. It is summarized in 5 simple phases.

PHASE 1: Godly Foundations
To be an effective Christian leader, you must start with a strong spiritual foundation. You must know the eternal truths that the Bible shares and have the wisdom to discern what a false doctrine sounds like. This is why before developing your skills, the first thing you’ll discover are sound Biblical doctrine. Here are some of the amazing things you will learn:
Unveil the real meaning of grace and how it removes the pressure of feeling like you have to prove your salvation…
Uncover what the Bible says about God’s glory, holiness, and triumph and the life-changing impact this knowledge brings to believers…
Understand the big-picture message of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations in 90 minutes.

PHASE 2: Renewing The Mind
As the Scripture says in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Our goal is to impart a Biblical point of view when it comes to the proper mindset, attitude, and heart of a leader. As Christians, we are mandated to lead differently than the world. The world says “trust yourself and your people” but as Christians, we are advised to “Trust in the Lord and lean not unto our own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5-6)
The world encourages leaders to “cast your own mission and inspire people with your vision.” And these secular missions and visions are self-serving. But as followers of Christ, we’ve been given “The Great Commission” (Matt. 28:19-20). Unless we renew our minds, it’s easy to believe the seemingly “good” leadership principles the world teaches.

PHASE 3: Aptitude Training
Practical leadership skills are important if you want to be a leader that inspires others. Once we’re done with the right foundations and mindset, you will start learning leadership skills. Here are some of the skills we’re going to help you develop:
Decision-Making centered around what the Bible says…
Communicating ideas, answering questions, and articulating the reasoning…
Influencing and motivating people…
Problem-solving and task delegation…
Listening to and empathizing with others…

PHASE 4: Community Building
Community Building is about knowing how to engage and ensure that your people are growing. Too often, leaders become transactional. Instead of creating a community that inspires you to serve the Lord, it becomes a job you grow to hate.
Building a community means that you are a part of something bigger than yourself. This gives you a sense of purpose and empowers you to grow your personal and spiritual life.

PHASE 5: Extension of Ministry
The last phase is about training you to produce more leaders. As a Christian, you are mandated to make disciples in all nations. To bring more souls to Christ, you must know how to share the gospel and answer difficult questions.
As John Maxwell said, “Success without a successor is a failure.” We are not only going to help you succeed. But we’re going to equip you with all the tools and resources you need to help others succeed, too.
Join the GRACE Growth Program through...

Here's what you'll get if you join the program today.
Unlimited Access To The GRACE Growth Program For 1 Year (Value: $750)
You’ll get instant access to 20 courses organized under the G.R.A.C.E. Growth Model. Here are the topics we have inside:
- Grace of God: Sovereignty by Dr. Ken Wilson
- Grace of God: Salvation by Dr. Dave Anderson
- Grace of God: Service Rewards by Dr. Joe Wall
- Basics of Grace by Willie Gaines
- Bible in 90 Minutes by Dwight Edwards
- Trial by Fire by Dr. Harold Rawlings
- BASIC Christian Life by Dr. Mark Rae
- Security and Significance by Tracy Marshall
- Basics of Bible Study by Dr. Mark Haywood
- Basics of Theology by Dr. Mark Rae
- Basics of Biblical Counseling by Katherine Barner
- Hybrid Church
- Easy Peasy Biblical Greek by Grant Hawley
- Systematic Theology
- Bible Exposition
- Servant Leadership by David Kuhnert
- No Greater Pursuit by Dwight Edwards
- Basics of Ministry
- Basics of Evangelism
- Discipleship by Dr. Steve Norris
Each course sells at $19.95 and goes up to $149, totaling $750 for access to all of them. But you can get everything, including upcoming courses, once you take advantage of our offer below.
And you’ll invest nowhere near $500! Not even half that!
Learn from World-Class Bible Teachers (Value: Priceless)
You will have a chance to learn from some of the best and brightest Biblical Instructors around the world.
- Dr. Dave Anderson has been a pastor for more than 30 years. He has helped plant eight churches and has been developing future generation pastors as a professor. He’s also the founder and president of Grace School of Theology and is one of the founders of the Free Grace Alliance.
- Dr. Ken Wilson, a medical doctor by profession, has a Master of Divinity from Faith Lutheran Seminary and a Master in Theology from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Wilson also received his Doctorate in Theology from the University of Oxford. Today he continues to perform hand surgery while teaching full-time at Grace School of Theology.
- Dr. Joe Wall who has pastored several churches in Texas. He served as the Academic Dean of Dallas Bible College, the President of Colorado Christian University, and is one of the co-founders of Grace School of Theology - serving as one of the Trustees. Dr. Wall also has more than 20 years of leadership experience and has authored multiple books.
- Pastor Dwight Edwards is another world-class instructor with more than 30 years of pastoral experience. He ministered for 23 years at Grace Bible Church in College Station, TX, and recently served as the Senior Pastor of Waters Edge Community Church in Houston, Texas. Dwight is a bestselling author of multiple study guides and books, including Game-Changing Christianity, Revolution Within, Kindling for the Fire, Releasing the Rivers Within, A Tale of Three Ships, Say ‘No’ to Vanilla, and High Octane for the Spirit.
- David Kuhnert, author of the book Servant Leadership also prepared a course for you inside the program. He is the Director of The Crossroad and is a Servant Leadership Trainer. He has 23 years of leadership experience in the Army and has an MBA from Columbia Southern University. He works with numerous non-profit groups in the area of leadership development.
- Dr. Steve Norris currently serves as the Director of Discipleship and Mentoring at Grace School of Theology. He has over 30 years of experience in the discipleship ministry in the church and training abroad. He is skilled in coaching, discipleship, and strategic leadership and uses those to advance God's Kingdom after the pattern of Jesus.
- Grant Hawley, the Executive Director of the Free Grace Alliance and pastor of Bold Grace Fellowship in The Colony, Texas will also teach about Bible Greek. He is the author of The Guts of Grace, Dispensationalism and Free Grace: Intimately Linked, Easy Peasy Biblical Greek, and Let the Text Speak: An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics. He’s the editor of 21 Tough Questions about Grace and Free Grace Theology: 5 Ways It Magnifies the Gospel and also is a member of the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics.
- Dr. Harold Rawlings is also generous enough to prepare a course on the story of martyrdom connected with translating the Bible. He has retired from multiple decades of pastoral ministry and in the past 20 years, he had been collecting Bibles. He brings his collection of ancient Bibles on the road to churches and schools to tell the little-known stories of people who have dedicated their lives to trying to get the Bible into English.
These are just some of the instructors you’ll get to meet and learn from inside the program.

The study became more engaging because Rev. Mark Rae and Dr. Harold Rawlings brought up interesting questions and points to ponder during their discussion that are useful even beyond the course.

Dr. Wilson has a clear lecturing style. It was helpful to hear him explain differences and misunderstandings of Scripture. He exhibited deep knowledge of Greek words, different thoughts and perspectives from early church fathers, and how those thought patterns have influenced the church today. The issues on God's sovereignty and human free will are very clear to me now.

Dr. Anderson's lectures are the best. The clear way the lesson was explained felt more like a friendly conversation and not a lecture. I felt like a student in a Bible School as I went through them at my own pace by watching the videos. I gained more clarity on justification vs. sanctification verses and the three tenses of salvation. Using the Logos Software to reveal original Hebrew and Greek word usages and cross references also helped in revealing the true contexts and meanings.

Dr. Wall’s teaching is truly grounded on the Bible. It was very useful for me to learn the three major judgments of God and the rewards given at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Getting rewards at the end is a great motivator to serve God in this lifetime and not waste life on worthless pursuits.
Grace On-Demand Resource Vault (Value: $500)
To make learning more effective, we created supplementary worksheets that you can print and use to take notes. These are designed in such a way that the more you study and use them, the more information you retain. It also becomes effortless to review the lessons once you fill in the answers in your worksheets.
One thing you’ll love about this vault is the collection of materials that you can download and read in your own free time. It’s a library of resources on the subjects of discipleship, Christian Living, leadership, lessons from the books of the Bible, and so on.

What Our Students Say About Grace On Demand

There’s so much I’d like to highlight in my learning of Systematic Theology! Most of it was truly new information I didn't get from other courses. I particularly noted this learning from the soteriology section. Although salvation is clear and simple according to the Bible, many take “save” out of context and complicate God’s grace. "Save" in Scripture doesn't always refer to salvation unto eternity (spiritual salvation in Christ). There's salvation from famine, conquest of nations, tribulation, sickness, etc. Knowing the proper context can ground us to hold on to biblical promises and truths! I’m looking forward to teach and apply what I learned!

Going through these modules, I realized the difference of exegesis (right way, extracting meaning from the text) and eisegesis (wrong way, imposing own meaning on text). I've been teaching, preaching and leading Bible Study groups for a while now. Because it’s the common practice of my church, most of my sermons and materials were taken out of its original context. This has definitely motivated me to read the Bible as it is even more!

I really liked that the instructors connected the Bible like a big puzzle... putting pieces together to make one whole picture. Knowing the different intricacies and history of the Bible such as its original languages and the different types of revelations were also very helpful.

I appreciate all the clear-cut action steps and definitions of words/processes. The instructors were excellent conveyors of information—teaching well with this great quantity is an accomplishment!
The total value of what you’ll get is easily around $1,250. But we won’t charge you anywhere near that. In fact, we won’t even charge you 50% of that. With Grace on Demand, you can start learning to be an effective leader for only $199 per year. Don't miss this opportunity to start your GRACE Growth journey now!
Here’s Everything That You’ll Get:
1-Year Love It or Give It Back Guarantee
We want you to succeed as a leader in your church. Having that said, we want to take all the risks in your enrollment. When you join Grace on Demand today, you will have full access to the site. You can watch the videos, download the worksheets, and use the materials for your own benefit.
When you complete at least 50% of the program, applied the materials, and you still think it didn’t help you be a better leader… just send us an email before your 1-year is up. We’ll refund your investment in 24 to 48 hours upon acknowledging the email.
Plus, we’ll also send a copy of the Living By Grace book straight to your inbox as a way of saying thank you for the time you invested in trying out the program. Sounds fair?