Are you sure that you can leave this world without regrets?
Security and Significance: Building a Life That Matters, For Good by Tracy Marshall
Get StartedTake on the challenge to do something great with your life.
As human beings, we all crave to have security and significance. But where do these desires come from? Are they self-serving or God-honoring? Tracy Marshall takes us on a journey to trust God and keep going even when it’s challenging by using God’s Word and stories of His work in her life.

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Enrich your learning through Scriptural references and questions designed to give you eternal security and significance.

Help Equip Women for Impactful Ministry
Security and Significance is part of the offerings of the Grace Center for Spiritual Development Women’s Institute. This was developed in the hopes of creating a place where women can discuss, contemplate, and apply biblical truths to timely and relevant issues that they face on a personal, familial, and societal level.
Women from different parts of the world have shared personal stories of the adversity they have faced while trying to move forward in their work for the kingdom. Societal limitations and self-restriction have often veiled their desire, access, and opportunity to further grow in grace. While some of this has been visible, much has been an internal struggle that many do not speak about.
Despite the visible changes in how women in different facets of ministry are positively received in the 21st century, there is still a need for spiritual development and training to apply biblical truths to current issues on all levels.
We invite you to join us in equipping women to explore, discover, and maximize their God-given potential!

Will God commend you, “Well done, good and faithful servant” when the time comes?
God provides us the opportunity through His Word to discover that we can be assured of our salvation and motivated to live impactfully.
Security and Significance

All modules were great! I’m reminded of how everything I do matters and can have impact now and eternally.

I really enjoyed getting to hear more about how God fulfills our need for eternal security and also the need for significance in this life we now live. Tracy's first module was so sweet with her analogy of each of us having our own life stories. I also liked the sixth module where she used a story about Michelangelo. She really intertwined personal examples and stories well within this course. This was well worth my time, and I'm super thankful for this opportunity!

Tracy explained her main points well and used lots of Scripture to support them. I found modules 3 and 5 the most impactful.