Discover the Expanse of the Grace of God for Mankind
This 3-part series will expand your knowledge and understanding of how God’s grace impacts everything—your situation, your family, your friends, your work, and YOU!
GET STARTEDGod’s sovereignty and Man’s free will—how can both statements be true without disproving the other?
Far from being an unsolvable problem to wrestle with, God’s sovereign will underscores His absolute power in relation to His all-encompassing grace in giving us the freedom to make our own choices. The key to unlocking this beautiful paradox lies in understanding sovereignty as defined by the Bible. Dr. Ken Wilson dissects difficult and often controversial verses and gives clarity to important issues.
What would you do if you knew that what you do now counts for eternity?
Eternal life isn’t just about getting into heaven, it’s about getting heaven here on earth—and the first step of this amazing journey begins with salvation. Notable Bible teacher Dr. Dave Anderson unpacks paradigm-shifting truths on salvation that will affect how we live our lives today. Salvation is the door that opens us up to the unearned, unreasonable, and unparalleled grace of God! Enroll now and discover your place in His plan today.
Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me...
Jesus charged through the pages of history and gave us an entirely new perspective on what “good” looks like and the prize that awaits those who run after it. Dr. Joe Wall gives us powerful insights, fundamental biblical references, and clear teaching on the many questions surrounding eternal judgment and rewards. Gain a more passionate expectation of the return of Jesus, develop a wise plan for your life to make it count for eternity, and learn basic truths so you can help others get on their journey towards Jesus Christ.

Dr. Wilson has a clear lecturing style. It was helpful to hear him explain differences and misunderstandings of Scripture. He exhibited deep knowledge of Greek words, different thoughts and perspectives from early church fathers, and how those thought patterns have influenced the church today. The issues on God's sovereignty and human free will are very clear to me now.

Dr. Anderson's lectures are the best. The clear way the lesson was explained felt more like a friendly conversation and not a lecture. I felt like a student in a Bible School as I went through them at my own pace by watching the videos. I gained more clarity on justification vs. sanctification verses and the three tenses of salvation. Using the Logos Software to reveal original Hebrew and Greek word usages and cross references also helped in revealing the true contexts and meanings.

Dr. Wall’s teaching is truly grounded on the Bible. It was very useful for me to learn the three major judgments of God and the rewards given at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Getting rewards at the end is a great motivator to serve God in this lifetime and not waste life on worthless pursuits.
Know the Grace of God through the Scriptures
Discover how God's amazing grace transforms the course of your life, bringing salvation and a new perspective of hope for eternity.