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Experiencing the Depth of God’s Love bible study saving grace podcast Jan 31, 2022

Isn’t it exhilarating every time you share something that makes you happy with someone and then you get to see their face light up in excitement because it makes them happy too? These genuine moments of shared experiences often play a major role in building strong relationships.

No matter how intro...

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A Truth, B Truth | Differentiate Between Salvation vs. Discipleship Passages bible exposition bible study charlie bing systematic theology Nov 14, 2021

Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross paid the price of sin and brought us salvation. But many of us become confused with the gospel and the free gift of eternal life. Dr. Charlie Bing presents a better way to understand the Scriptures by separating the passages into A Truth (salvation) and B Truth ...

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The Journey of a Lifetime bible exposition bible study hermeneutics mark haywood saving grace podcast Oct 24, 2021

Going on an adventure may seem so exciting for some, but it can also be terrifying for others. We can feel a wide range of emotions as the journey unfolds right before our eyes. Merriam-Webster defines a journey as something that suggests travel or passage from one place to another. Examples are “jo...

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