Why Grace? Why Now?
Dec 08, 2021
People in the old covenant offer a sacrificial lamb to cleanse their sins and seek God's forgiveness. But when Jesus Christ came, He became the sacrificial lamb once and for all. It is the best gift brought by the grace of God.
This gift that is freely given and not earned through Him is an unmerited favor because of His love. He no longer sees us as enemies but His children adopted into His family. Because of Him, we are redeemed, set free, and forgiven.
Why Grace?
Dr. Dave Anderson, the Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, mentioned in this podcast episode the book entitled "7 Men Who Control the World from their Grave." In this episode, he gave importance to how thoughts could change and control the world.
People like Karl Marx and Charles Darwin are good examples of those whose thoughts lived beyond their lifetime. Their lives created an impact and affected history in so many ways
As Dr. Dave Anderson stated, “They’re dead but their thinking controls the world. People like Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, or Lord Maynard Keynes. . . It’s their thinking that controls the world. Well, we got someone who’s a lot smarter than they are and He’s not in the grave. And that’s Jesus Christ. So if we can get His thinking into the minds of people, well, it takes education.”
Being a Christian, it is a must to bear in mind that we have Someone greater than what the world may offer us. His wisdom is far greater than the views and thinking that the world could influence us. Grace School of Theology envisions to train and develop spiritual leaders in all nations of the earth who may teach people about the timeless wisdom and wonder of Christ’s love and grace.
Why Now?
Being in different countries has made Dr. Anderson realize that hate is everywhere and the only way to surpass that is through the love of Christ. This cultivated a heart for him to build a school to train students of the Word who are willing to share God’s love all over the world and wherever they go. Undoubtedly, more and more believers are becoming intentional in seeking further education especially due to the existence of many other worldviews today.
Purity of God’s Word
According to Dr. Anderson, Grace upholds the truth of the simple gospel—faith alone and Christ alone and no other doctrine. It is the responsibility to impart a message of God’s Word alone and nothing else. And so, it is Grace’s responsibility to train students to be able to preach wherever they are on how God loves.
Dr. Anderson shared, “His love is unqualified… Romans 5 says that ‘God’s love is poured out by the Holy Spirit,’ and the way it’s written is like there is no end to it. It’s like you have a cup and it may have a crack in it but God keeps pouring without ending. But He also says that it’s undeserved, ‘while we were still sinners, He died for us.’ It is a powerful illustration of how God pours out His unconditional love for us and how His Goodness and Grace make a difference in our lives when we receive Him. Jesus cleansed our sins and made us pure and white as snow.”
God has seen you as His beloved and that no matter what you’ve done in the past, His grace is sufficient for you. Knowing this truth, that we are part of God’s family that is not just temporal but eternal is an awesome gift that we could ever receive in our whole life. It’s amazing to see how God is working and how He’ll work as you journey your life with Him and experience His grace to the fullest.
Grace provides more opportunities for theological and lifelong learning to students who cannot pursue a seminary education. Through the online platform, you can learn at your own pace from any place. If you are a lay leader, minister, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, or simply a follower of Christ, you can establish your biblical foundation on sound doctrine when you enroll in the different courses on Grace On Demand.
Listen to the full podcast episode on "Why Grace? Why Now?" below.
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