Becoming Students of God’s Word
Dec 01, 2021
There are many influences that can shape your worldview and the way you interpret the world around you. When you look at your daily encounters or experiences, you pick up from trends, media, events, and more. This has long started once you are born.
Knowing that anything in this world can shape our values and principles is the best reason why we need to discern and remove any false teachings that may destroy and lead us astray. It is crucial that we build our framework on the right foundation of God’s Word. We need to make sure that it is shaped with the Truth that will lead us to growth and spiritual maturity.
For us believers of Christ, God’s Word is the foundation of all our decisions, choices, values, and actions. We look at the world not based on popular culture, but we view it through the lens of His heart. The Bible is our trustworthy guide and starting point as we journey through life. According to Matthew 4:4 (NKJV), “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” We hunger and thirst for it just like physical food but only it nourishes our soul.
Every promise from His Word is like a seed planted in our hearts. It enriches our spiritual growth and enables us to become stronger in our faith. The question now is: Are we students of God’s Word? Or are we living like waves of the sea that are tossed by different views in this world?
Let us look at the story of two Grace students who learned to embrace God’s Word in their lives – Merritt Johnston, Master of Divinity (2018) and David Hill, Master of Ministry (2020).
Merritt Johnston, Master of Divinity (2018)
Many people can relate to Merritt Johnston on being a wife, a mother of three, and a minister. Juggling different roles and wearing many hats can take a toll on one’s health. But Merritt knew that she needed extra training to be able to minister accurately and effectively. Thus, she started to research different seminaries, prayed for them, and found Grace School of Theology.
“Grace did a great job of providing something for me that did not only align with my schedule but also something that was attainable when I started researching degrees and trying to pursue a Master’s while it did seem overwhelming,” she added. The flexibility of her studies allowed her to continue giving 100% attention to her family while wearing her “seminary student” hat.
David Hill, Master of Ministry (2020)
During his college years, David Hill encountered a minister who was reaching out to young adults in college who were living an “immoral lifestyle”. Eventually, the powerful Word of God opened his heart, and his reaction was: “It hit me like a ton of bricks because I thought up until that point that I was a good guy. I was okay because I wasn’t selling drugs, always in school, and was considered one of the nice guys.” However, the reality continued to sink into his heart that he found himself on God’s judgment scale. He knew he was lacking.
“What I also realized is that God’s grace was sufficient to make up for the rest, and it was at that moment when I told Him, ‘I’m not gonna play around anymore. This life belongs to You, God, and whatever I need to do to please you,’” he shared.
Amid the challenges and temptations which were trying to hinder him from changing, he realized that all he can ever do is to give himself to the One who created him, the One who knows what to do, and the One who has a great plan for his life. This gave him joy knowing that transformation continues to happen when he surrendered himself to become a student of the Word. Now, he continues to minister and serve people to help them grow in their walk with God.
These students of the Word, Merritt and David, continue to witness God’s grace and power to change lives. Like them, you too can experience restoration when you allow the Word to take root in your heart and believe by faith in Jesus Christ.
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